English Dance
Friday, September 20, 2013
Bob Green, Caller
Jack’s Sparrow (to He’s a Pirate arranged by Ben Schreiber and Eric Daniels)
Ramsay Divey (to Mairzy Doats by Jerry Livingstone)
Wings (to Shuster’s by Larry Unger)
Eve in the Garden (to English Auction by Larry Unger)
Colorado and All Colorado (to Waltz for Sara by Kristin Graham)
A Lean Tango (to Lisa Lisa by Larry Unger)
Castigated Neighbor (to March of the Lost Boys by George Paul)
Sharon of the Green (to Green-Gowned Lass)
Starring Loretta (to Two Rivers by Larry Unger)
Mr. Maggott’s Beverage (to Tequila by Chuck Rio)
Trip to Harlem (to Drop Me Off in Harlem by Duke Ellington)
Duke of Ellington’s Waltz (to I’m Takin’ My Time by Larry Unger)
High Tea & Sarsaparilla
Saturday August 31, 2013
A Jane-Austen-themed Ball was held at the High Tea & Sarsaparilla English-American Dance Weekend in 2013 to commemorate the 200th anniversary of the publication of Pride and Prejudice.
Gaye Fifer, of Pittsburgh Pennsylvania was our caller. Live Music was provided by Karen Axelrod of Northampton, Massachusetts on piano, Miranda Arana of Oklahoma City, Okahoma on Flute, and Martha Edwards from St Louis, Missouri on violin. Someone had noted that Karen and Miranda really had great hair (lots of curl, lots of hair), so they became, temporarily, in honor of the Great Bear Trio, the Great Hair Trio.
Dances performed at the August 31, 2013 Workshops and Ball
Saturday AM Fentarlarick A Trip to Tunbridge 6 for the 6 Proud Walkers Lover's Knot Dr. Vincent's Delight Jack's Maggot Treasure of the Big Woods Indian Summer |
Saturday PM Mr. Beveridge's Maggot Dunant House Waltz The Potter's Wheel Heidenroslein Key to the Cellar Kelsterne Gardens Well Hall The Astonished Archeologist |
Saturday Evening Ball Comical FellowHambleton's Round-O Helena Geud Man of Ballangigh Hole in the Wall I Care Not for These Ladies Mr. Beveridge's Maggot Turning by Threes Softly Good Tummas Mr. Isaac's Maggot Physical Snob Alice Barbarini's Tambourine |
English Dance
July 19, 2013
Peter Wollenberg, Caller
Take a Dance
Soulton Jigg
The Archbishop
Jack's Health
Grandmother's Circle
Puck's Deceit (to Kettle Drum)
Lilli Burlero
The Responce (to St Giles’ Pound)
Ten for the Ten Commandments
Wibsey Roundabout
Round About Our Coal Fire
In the Fields of Frost and Snow
Come Brave Boys
Fine Lady of Homewood (to Fig for a Kiss)
Picking Up Sticks
Freeford Gardens
Knives and Forks
Dance Weekend with Bruce Hamilton
Friday, June 21, 2013
St Anne’s Reel
Trip to Tunbridge
The New Decade Waltz – Alta Sierra Waltz
Shropshire Lass
Flowers of Edinburgh
Hoffedd Miss Hughes
Terpsicourante 8
Trip to Kilburn
Six for the Six Proud Walkers
Harlequin in the Mud
Sally in Our Alley
Callers' Workshop with Bruce Hamilton June 22, 2013 |
Caller: | Dances: |
Karen Jackson | Mock Hobby Horse Barbarini’s Tambourine |
Peter Wollenberg | Ore Boggy The Response (St Giles Pound) |
Don Corson | Solstice Gathering (Indiana Solstice) |
Bob Green | Midwinter Maggot Physical Snob |
Mark Rice | Mr Beveridge’s Maggot Honeysuckle Cottage |
Midsummer Night Ball June 22, 2013 |
Caller | Dances |
Bruce Hamilton | Minor Spaniard Star Surprise – Meeting of the Waters |
Karen Jackson | Turning by Threes Jack’s Health |
Bob Green | Castigated Neighbor – March of the Lost Boys Yellow Stockings |
Bruce Hamilton | Jacob Hall’s Jig Our Brief Encounters – Trade Winds |
Mark Rice | Ramblin’ Rosie Upright Man – Flowers of the Thorn |
Peter Wollenberg | Early One Morning Key to the Cellar Candles in the Dark |
English Country Dance
April 19, 2013, Jonathan Sivier calling
Another St. George's Day
Apley House
The Bonny Cuckoo
Candles In The Dark
For Robert, A Southern Gentleman
Helena by Colin Hume
In My Dreams I Go Dancing - Weathered Inn Waltz
Jack's Health - Bolt The Door
My Lord Byron’s Maggot
The Northdown Waltz
The Physical Snob
Pony Express
Trip to Erskine
Tythe Pig
Young Widow
English Country Dance
March 15, 2013Callers: Mark Rice and Missy Reisenleiter
Polka Dots Diamond to The Flowers of Edinburgh
Higher Math “W” to Puncheon Floor
The “Contra Class” Sicilian Circle to Grumbling/Growling Man/Woman
The Weevil to the Blackberry Quadrille
The Upright Man to Reel de Montréal
Upon A Summer’s Day
First Lady
Circassian Circle to Speed the Plow
Marching to Praetorius
Fine Lady of Homewood
Sellenger’s Round
President's Ball
February 15, 2013
Dances: | Leader: |
Grand March | Bob Green |
Handel's March Country Dance | Missy Reisenleiter |
Lincoln Polka | Free Polka |
First of May | Chrystal Gallacci-Jones |
Martha Quadrilles Parts I & II | John Ramsay |
Lincoln Waltz | Free Waltz |
Beach Spring | Mark Rice |
Soldier's Joy | Peter Wollenberg |
Ostende Schottische | John Ramsay |
Spanish Waltz | Mark Rice |
Arcadian Nuptials | Peter Wollenberg |
Martha Quadrilles – Part III | John Ramsay |
Schottische to Pop Goes the Weasel | Bob Green |
The Tempest | Missy Reisenleiter |
Cally Polka | Free Polka |
Six-Hand Reel | Karen Jackson |
Jefferson & Liberty | Bob Green |
Virginia Reel | Karen Jackson |
Dreams on the Ocean | Free Waltz |
English Country Dance
January 18, 2013Caller: Bob Green
The Ragg
Turning by Threes
Female Saylor
Trip to Harlem to I'm Taking my Time
Starring Lorretta to Two Rivers
Candles in the Dark
Midwinter Maggot
Duke of Kent's Waltz
The Geud Man of Ballangigh