The Dances of 2014
See the dances of 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015
Called by Chrissie Davis-Camp at High Tea & Whiskey
Autumn on the Heath
Belle of Amherst, The
Black Joke
Bonny Cuckoo
Celebration Waltz (tune Lovers Waltz)
Gathering Peascods
Handel with Care
Honeysuckle Cottage
Hunsdon House
Hyde Park
I Care Not for These Ladies
Leather Lake House
Levi Jackson Rose (tune October Rose)
Mount Hills
Oliver's Maggot (tune: Consider Yourself, from Oliver)
Peace & Plenty
Physical Snob, The
Picking up Sticks
Precious Ruby (tune The Ashgrove)
Red House
Softly Good Tummas
Upon a Summer’s Day
Waterfall Waltz
When at Last